75th Anniversary of Scouting
Restoration of Borobudur Temple (I-282)
President Soeharto (I-283)
President Soeharto (I-284)
7th International Liquified Natural Gas Conf. (I-285)
World Communication Year '83 (I-286)
13th National Qur'an Reading Contest (I-287)
Total Solar Eclipse (I-288)
Palapa B Communication Satellite (I-289)
Fight Againts Cancer (I-290)
Agriculture Census (I-291)
Indonesia - Pakistan Joint Issue (I-292)
Centenary of Krakatau Eruption (I-293)
Indonesian Aircraft (CN-235) (I-294)
President Soeharto (I-295)
Tropical Fishes (I-296)
Birds of Paradise (I-297)
Inalienable Right of the Palestinian People (I-298)